Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hi Everyone....

Happy June! Almost summer...the kids are on their final week before school gets out and the days seem to be going by so fast. I can remember that feeling, you know, turning in all of your text books, end of the year parties, field trips, etc. Except when I was little it was really HOT the last week of school. Here it is chilly and breezy. I guess Andy was right when he said, "There's nuthin like the coast." He's said a few other memorable sayings that are worth remembering, which I will try to remember and include when I can. haha. It looks like it's going to be a "regular" summer for us. My family totally disbands in the summertime. Joe is off to Alaska and Jamie has a full calendar (away from home). Her plans are as follows: Weekend with her dad when school gets out and then to Granny's for X number of weeks (to be determined by how much fun they have). Then to Gustine for 4th of July week. Then to camp for a week and home for a couple of days before we leave to Disneyland. Big major school clothes shopping for high school and then to whatever family trip we plan for MY birthday weekend (I'm thinking Kinocti Harbor...anyone who wants to go is welcome!) Whew! It makes me tired (and broke) just thinking about it. K that's all for now.